Elite Football Playbook Bundle | Best Sellers

(6 customer reviews)


  • Playbooks are downloaded instantly. No shipping, no wait!
  • Print friendly playbook, colored diagrams- looks great on desktop, mobile, and tablets.
  • 7 total playbooks (one bonus), 1 great price. Total value $146- you get them for $99.
  • Great for organizations that want to get their coaches playbooks.
  • All playbooks provide you with all the information needed to install the offenses.
  • Gives your offense an identity and structured attack.
  • Includes all induvial playbook bonuses.
  • FREE I-Option Playbook (PDF)  included with purchase (115 pages)!


Our Elite Football Playbook Bundle provides you with all our best selling playbooks. Thousands of football coaches have benefited from these playbooks. A lot of games and points were scored by coaches running these systems. All of our playbooks are system based, which will give you a structured attack. These playbooks are all downloaded instantly. This bundle offers the best value- these playbooks have a total value of $146 dollars- you get them all for $99! Great for coaches that want to utilize more than one of our systems. Also great for organizations that want to get their coaches playbooks.

Shotgun Split Back Playbook

This is our current top selling and newest playbook. This playbook is great for all age levels of football. This system will make the defense have to defend both sides of the formation. This playbook has everything needed to install the system.

Run Plays Included: Lead Sweep, Iso (strong & weak),  DUO,  Trap, Buck, Cross Buck, and Reverse Buck.

Pass Plays Included: Post wheel Concept, Seams, and Waggle.

Gun T Playbook

The Gun T Formation Playbook (Shotgun Wing T) is a system based around the jet sweep play. It’s a true system of plays that will allow you to attack all areas of the field. It’s great for all age levels of football. It will allow you to have a fast attacking offense.

Jet Series: Jet Sweep, Jet Power, Trap, Buck, Reverse Buck, Post-Wheel, Seams, Flood, and No Play.

Unbalanced Formation: Jet Sweep & Jet Power.

Pistol Offense Playbook

The Pistol Offense Playbook is a balanced playbook- you will be able to attack all areas of the field. This playbook is a hybrid formation that utilizes strengths from both Shotgun and Double Wing Formations. The double slots will create alignment conflict for the defense. These slots are utilized in several different ways in this playbook (run game, pass game, and blocking).

Slots Formation: Jet, Buck, Trap, Toss, Reverse, QB Sweep, Iso, Post / Wheel, Waggle, and Quick Out.

King Formation: Power, Trap, QB Counter, Counter Trey, &

Power Pass.

Inverted Wishbone Playbook

The Inverted Wishbone Playbook is a great offense for youth football for several reasons. This playbook features a balanced formation. This will force the defense to have to defend both sides of the formation. The double tight-end formation creates two strong sides for the defense to defend.

Plays: Power, Counter Buck, Wedge, Down, ISO, Sweep, Power Pass, Boot Pass, and Seams (blitz beater).

Trips No Huddle Playbook

Going no huddle will allow you to call the right play vs. the defense you are seeing. It really takes the guessing out of play calling. Going no huddle will allow you to attack the defense where you have the numbers, leverage, and / or player advantage. There is a no huddle execution / install video embedded in the PDF.

Runs: Buck, ISO, GH Counter, H-buck, Trap, & Reverse Buck.

Passes: Snag, Verticals, Tunnel Screen, Slot-fade, Flood, & Post-out.

Bonus Plays: Heavy Buck (tackle over), Power, Trail Concept, Whip Concept, & Switch Verticals Concept.

20 Personnel Playbook

This playbook is great because it allows you to spread the field, while also maintaining a strong inside run threat. 20 personnel features 2 running backs ( Tailback and H-back) and 3 wide receivers. This playbook features multiple formations that will allow you to be multiple, while keeping things simple for your kids.

Power Series (Twins Formation): Power, Counter, Buck, Power Pass, and Bubble / Buck RPO.

Jet Series (Rhino/Lion Formation): Jet Sweep, Jet Power, Trap, Lead Sweep, Reverse, Post-wheel and Split-end Fade.

No Huddle (Trips): Snag Concept, Flood Concept (Florida), and Sprint-out Concept (Texas).

If you are interested in purchasing these playbooks individually, visit our playbook library.

6 reviews for Elite Football Playbook Bundle | Best Sellers

  1. Coach John, HCY Athletic Director

    Great value, solid playbooks. I ordered these for all the coaches in my organization. Very informative, great play diagrams. Can be used at pretty much any age level.

  2. Coach Shu (verified owner)

    I didn’t know which one I wanted, so I got them all at a great price. Appreciate it!!!

  3. Coach Jim

    Great bundle. I’d recommend it. Most Bang for your buck.

  4. Coach Ted (verified owner)

    This is a great bundle! Something for everyone / skillset. Highly recommend.

  5. Coach Johnson (verified owner)

    I loved the Gun T and pistol offense. Great for all age levels of coaches.

  6. Coach Adam , AD, Jr Knights (verified owner)

    All the best playbooks in one bundle, it’s awesome. I bough this bundle for my organization, let my coaches puck which one they wanted. Great value. Highly recommend.

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