Wishbone Offense Football Clinic


  • Virtual clinic is downloaded instantly. No shipping, no wait!
  • Offense works great on all age levels of football. Easy to install.
  • Gives your offense an identity and a system of plays.
  • Comprehensive video breakdown of the formation.
  • Comprehensive video diagram breakdown of run plays.
  • Comprehensive video diagram breakdown of pass plays.
  • Printable colored playbook PDF included. Tablet & mobile friendly.


The Wishbone Offense is great for all age levels of youth football. The Wishbone Formation features two tight-ends and three backfield players. This formation will force the defense to have to defend both sides of the formation. Featuring three backs will allow you to attack the defense with power runs, while also giving you a nasty deception / counter game. The Blast and Counter play in this system will give you a nasty 1-2 punch.

Our Wishbone Offense Football Clinic is a series of videos which gives you in-depth video instruction on how to install the Wishbone Offense. Everything you need to install this offense will be given / talked about on video.

Wishbone Offense Football Clinic

Clinic Videos 

  • Formation Overview
  • Position and Numbering System
  • Blocking Scheme (run and pass)
  •  Snap Count
  • 36 / 45 Blast
  • 21 /22 Dive
  • 21 / 22 Trap
  • 36 / 45 Counter
  • 36 / 45 Lead X
  • 38 / 47 Sweep
  •  8 / 7 Waggle
  • Wishbone Playbook PDF, with play diagrams and blocking rules.

This Wishbone Offense Football Clinic videos are drawn up against various defenses on the whiteboard. The Wishbone offense will give you as structured attack. It’s easy to install and it will work well on all levels of football. The Wishbone offense is a difficult offense to align to. The double tight-end will force the defense to balance their alignment. This will allow you to get more blockers at the point of attack (because of the three backfield players). You will almost always have two lead blockers.

Check out our virtual football clinic library. We have several other offense clinics which includes: T-formation, Power I, Easy Competition Clinic, and Single Back Formation clinic. All clinics are virtual and will include play diagram / actual PDF playbook PDFs.

Once purchased, you will be sent two PDFs with downloadable links. One will be a pdf that contains the video breakdowns. The second one will be the actual play diagrams / playbook that can be printed and taken to practice.

Coach Testimonials

Downloaded the clinic last night! It was fantastic. Easy to install and will work great with my 11U team. -Coach Dean

Great clinic. I am looking forward to running it with our 10u and 12u teams. Appreciate the content guys! -Coach John T

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