Why Kids Need Football: Resilience
May 17, 2019
The Beast Formation is one of the best offenses for youth football. It is also known as a direct snap offense, where the ball is snapped directly to a running…
The Beast Tank Formation is a great formation because it will allow you to outflank and outnumber the defense to one side. From a defensive standpoint, it's a very difficult…
The Beast Counter Belly Play is a great play that gives you power at the point of attack. Counter also adds an element of deception to the formation. You should…
One of the major things that all defenses struggle to do well is line up correctly to a formation. Most coaches spend hours of practice time every week working with…
Calling plays is one of the most stressful and rewarding experiences in football. There is no other sport such a large amount of pressure is put on the coach. From…
One of the most frustrating things that can occur when you are running an offense is to go against a blitz heavy team. This is true at all levels but…
Calling plays on offense is one of the hardest skills for a coach to develop. You have to put your players in a position to be successful while still accounting…
The A Gap Power Blocking Scheme is one of the most used run schemes in football. It allows the offense to get a double team at the point of attack…
The Ubbie Package is a simple way to give your playmakers space on the outside while also giving the defense a difficult formation to line up against. Through the use…
The Single Wing Offense Jet Sweep Play is my favorite play out of the single wing formation. The Jet Sweep attacks the edge of the defense very quickly. It forces…
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