Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

3 Essential Youth Football Off-season Exercises

The off-season for many youth football organizations is here. A season of training, drills and workouts comes to a grinding halt for many athletes, though it really does not have to be over. Physical training year-round keeps kids along that disciplined and structured route, and we encourage the consistency.  Many kids transition into other sports, such as basketball, which is also a great way to keep to train for football. It’s all about consistency and keeping busy. The alternative could be laziness, and this is not beneficial to your athlete.

Here are 3 essential exercizes to incorporate into your child’s off-season schedule:

1. The push-up. No weights needed for this, what is widely considered the ultimate strength training exercise. 4 sets of 7 reps.

#Perfect #Pushup with Greg Walls #youthfootball #football #training at #TCU

A video posted by youth_football (@youth_football) on

The air squat for leg strength and power.  Squats are important for building leg muscle strength, this exercise, as the name implies, does not need weights. Just bring in determination. 4 sets of 5-10 repetitions is ideal, vary the amount of reps just to switch it up.

Jump Rope.  Fun! Portable, cheap and a fundamental exercise. It’s not just about cardio. Strength training for hamstrings, thighs, calves and even arms. Jumping rope, with the right technique is low impact with high benefit. Balance and coordination improves greatly as well. 4 sets.

Promote off-season training to your athletes. Consult with your athlete’s doctor before performing these exercises.
