What do Great Coaches Do?
We ask youth football coaches one simple questions- What do great coaches do? If you want to add to this list please tell us what great coaches do in the comments. Be sure to use hashtag #GreatCoaches. Here are the responses:
Sammy Gene- #GreatCoaches teach good sportsmanship, team before me, importance of the little things in the most basic fundamentals and why they are, build on the love of the game, teach a little life lesson here and there and treats all players the same.
Chase Klein- Great coaches teach the game, know the game, and don’t scream and yell at the kids. A great coach teaches the kids how to play a position and sportsmanship.
Bill LaChance- #GreatCoaches are able to know their kids, and that every kid does not learn the same way. You have to know what motivates each kid and how to get 100% out of each of them.
Joshua Codynah- Make better men then better football players.
Alfredo Ramirez Sr.- #GreatCoaches…I personally think we are teachers first, coaches second, and role models because not every youth has the privilege of have both if their parents. We as coaches should put kids in a position to be successful…….not only In the football field but in life.
Joe Perez- ABC’s: Always Be Coaching.
Kevin Kip Veasy- Repetitive practice planning until everyone knows the basics and build on from there.
John Kirchman- Don’t ever sacrifice good sportsmanship for a victory.
Tyrone Phife Thomas- Exercise their coaching skills in the offseason. Read books on how to be a better coach. Same expectation put on the players.
Abdul Karim Iby-Ib Ahmad- #GreatCoaches are able to teach,get The best out of there kids reguardless of talent level,And be there for them outside of football.
Noel Z Gomez- #GreatCoaches…Check all egos at the door, especially their own.
Rene Solis- Teach…..
Jax Battaglia- Great coaches bring the best out in their kids. Encourages the kids to discover abilities that they didn’t think they had. Pushes them just hard enough to find out for themselves what their capabilities are and catches them when they fall short. 2 times down, 3 times up.
Here is a link to the entire Facebook discussion:
What do GREAT #YouthFootball coaches do? Tell us in the comments…. Use has tag- #GreatCoaches https://youthfootballonline.com/youth-football-movement/
Posted by Youth Football Online on Tuesday, February 2, 2016