Home / How to Tackle with Proper Tackling Technique
Many teams are going with shoulder/style tackle. This style of tackle has also been endorsed by USA Football. Major leagues like Pop Warner also support shoulder tackling technique. Should tackling is taking the head out of the equation. Here is an excellent video about shoulder tackling.
The vast majority of leagues are going with USA Football Shoulder Tackling. My team has utilized shoulder tackling for the past three seasons with decent success.
Offense sells tickets, defense wins championships. Every championship defense in history has tackled well. The amount of success on defense will be determined on how well your team tackles. Pride your team on being sure tacklers. Let’s start off with my tackling philosophy:
Tackling Philosophy
Here is How to Tackle With Proper Tackling Technique (New School)
Tackling successfully and safety all starts with proper technique.
Summary: Approach the ball carrier, chop feet, aiming point is the inside hip. Engage ball carrier with shoulder pads (same foot, same shoulder), and head up. Tackle through the ball carrier, do not stop feet. Grab cloth and finish the tackle. This is how to tackle with proper tackling technique!
The hot topic lately has been concussions in youth football. There are countless benefits that children will acquire when they participate in youth football- when the game is taught properly that is! Many coaches are still in the “old school” state of mind where they teach winning at all costs. They talk about being “tough” and they will do stupid contact drills that will just lead to injuries. Many “old school” coaches will over hit in practice as well. There is no need to do live contact for 1 1/2 hours of a two hour practice. Most of the drills these coaches are doing do not even simulate football game play.
The majority of confirmed concussions happen at practice. This means that coaches are doing something wrong; they’re not teaching how to tackle with proper tackling technique. Again, it comes back to over hitting, stupid drills, and lack of teaching technique. These stupid drills are tackling drills that line the kids up 10 yards apart and have them run into each other full speed. In my 12+ years of coaching youth football I have witnessed very few head injuries that I can recall. Any sport can be unsafe when taught improperly / unsafely, it is important to pride yourself on teaching your kids how to tackle with proper tackling technique.
This entire concussion discussion falls on the coaches and league officials (board members). It is vital that all coaches are educated properly on how to tackle with proper tackling technique. It is crucial that teams have head coaches in place that understand proper technique. As coaches, we cannot over hit in practice. We do not need to do live tackling every single minute of every single practice. Coaches, you have to watch match ups in practice as well. Forcing a timid, weaker-non-athletic kid to tackle your best player in a head on full speed collision is does nothing but deter the kid from having fun and learning the sport. This will also lead to kids getting hurt. We have to eliminate drills that have the kids line up 5+ yards away and requires the kids to run full speed into each other-head on.
Coaches should always start off with non-live tackling drills. Practice tackling techniques on air, then with dummies/ tackling sled, then you do some live contact. From the first day of practice we will teach how to tackle with proper tackling technique. You can practice form tackling right off the bat in your stretching lines.
There are many effective non-live tackling drills you can do that will teach kids proper tackling techniques. I am not saying you should just tackle dummies all day. You will definitely need to do live tackling during the week. There is no doubt about the importance of live tackling in practice. But, you do not have to do live tackling all practice long. Teach proper technique and then start implementing it in live tackling drills. Do not waste time doing stupid drills that do nothing but hurt kids.
Tackling drills that teach kids how to tackle with proper tackling technique:
Execution of the 3 v 3 drill:
We love the 3 v 3 drill. It works several different techniques for several different positions. It’s fun, it makes the kids compete, and the players look forward to it each week. However, this drill has been getting a bad rap because many coaches are not conducting the drill safely. You will see coaches line the kids up 15 yard apart and tell them to run through an area that is 6 yards wide. This is dangerous because the kids will generate a lot of speed and the narrow drill area doesn’t allow the kids to avoid or protect themselves from this heavy contact. It’s essentially having kids run into a wall.
When you have the kids line up no more than 5-7 yards apart and you add defensive linemen and offensive linemen the contact will become minimal. When kids are only 5-7 yards apart they aren’t able to generate a lot of speed so the contact isn’t very violent. In addition, we widen the drill a little bit so that the kids have room to run and protect themselves during the drill. The fact of the matter is that when you limit the distance between the tackling players and the blockers/ball carrier there will be less violent collisions.
If you watch match ups during the drill (don’t put your stud against a first year player), don’t have the kids line up 15 yards apart and have them run right into each other, and if you are teaching proper blocking and tackling technique then your kids will not get hurt.
(See Also) Open Field Tackling Techniques
(See Also) Golden Yard Tackling Drill
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