Best 20 Personnel Formation Run Plays

When it comes to building a versatile and unpredictable offense, the 20 personnel formation offers an exciting and effective option. The 20 personnel formation utilizes two running backs, no tight-ends, and three wide receivers. The two running backs will usually be a H-back and Tailback. Below are the best 20 Personnel Formation Run Plays for youth football.
However, many 20p formations will utilize two tail backs (shotgun split backs). This alignment of 20p is becoming very popular. Several teams that we played against this past season utilized this formation. This formation will give you several different run scheme options- gap schemes and zone schemes can easily be utilized.
Tailback Power
C: Block backside A-GAP Defender. If there is a N head up on the center, he would step play-side and block him.
RG: Pull, wrap for play-side linebacker (W).
RT: Step down, replace the pulling (RG).
LG: Double team play-side (DT) / N) with (LT).
LT: Double (DT) / N with the LG, combo off onto linebacker.
H: Kick-out defensive end. Aiming point is the inside hip.
T: Take handoff, aiming point is the inside foot of the LT, cut inside of the (H)’s kick-out.
S: Bubble screen. You can also just have him stalk block.
X: Block nearest threat to the bubble screen. You can also just have him stalk block.
Z: Stalk block the (CB).
Q: Catch snap, hand to the (T), fake to the right.
Side Note: If you’re facing man coverage, you can also have all the receivers ( X, S, & Z) just run their defender off.
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Quarterback Counter
C: Block backside A-gap defender. If he has a head up N, he will step play-side and base block him.
RG: Double team play-side DT with RT.
RT: Double team play-side DT with RG, then combo off onto linebacker.
LG: Pull, kick-out the defensive end. Aiming point is the inside hip.
LT: Step down, replace the pulling LG.
H: Wrap, lead through the hole, block play-side linebacker.
T: Fake Power handoff to the left. Great fake is needed.
S: Run bubble screen. Or you can have him just stalk block.
X: Block defender covering the S. Or you can him just stalk block.
Z: Stalk block the CB.
Q: Catch snap, fake handoff to the T, then get behind the H, cut off of his lead block.
Tailback Counter (same side)
C: Block backside A-gap defender.
RG: Double play-side defensive tackle with right tackle.
RT: Double team the play-side DT with right guard.
LG: Pull, kick-out defensive end.
LT: Replace pulling LG, step down.
H: Wrap for play-side linebacker.
T: Fake Power to the left, take handoff coming back to the right. Get right behind the H’s wrap / lead block.
S: Fake Bubble Screen.
X: Block like it’s Bubble Screen.
Z: Stalk block the CB.
Q: Catch snap, hand to the T back, carryout fake.
Side Note: Counter is block the same way by your offensive linemen and H back- regardless who the ball carrier is.
C: Block backside A-gap defender, double team with LG.
RG: Cross face of the DT, work onto middle linebacker.
RT: Work onto OLB. Do not block the kick-out defender (T).
LG: Double team defensive tackle / N with the Center.
LT: Work onto linebacker.
H: Pull, kick-out (wham block) the defensive tackle. He is whamming the first defensive linemen past the center.
T: Take handoff, get up the midline, cut inside of H’s wham block.
S: Bubble screen.
X: Block bubble screen.
Z: Stalk block the CB.
Q: Catch snap, hand to the T, fake the Bubble to the S.
Side Note: If the defense doesn’t respect your two receivers have the QB throw the Bubble to the S. Of all these 20 Personnel Formation Run Plays, this is our favorite. It’s nasty!
C: Step play-side reach / cut off middle linebacker.
RG: Inside-Over-Free.
RT: Inside-Over-Free.
LG: Inside-Over-Free.
LT: Inside-Over-Free.
H: Seal defensive end / contain player.
T: Lead block for the QB. Take first defender that shows outside of the H.
Q: Catch snap, get outside. Cut off of the T’s block. Get outside!
S: Stalk block defender covering him.
X: Stalk block defender.
Z: Stalk block the CB. You can also have him work to the middle safety.
Side Note: You can put a running back in at QB and do the direct snap to him (if you don’t have a mobile QB or you don’t want to get your QB hit).
The 20 Personnel Formation is a great formation that creates alignment conflict for the defense. It presents a strong run strength along with a strong pass strength. This formation will give you a structured attack- that will allow you to attack all areas of the field. This formation has gotten very popular as of late on the youth football level.
We are seeing this 20 personnel formation more and more. Zone schemes can easily be executed out of this formation as well. Inside and outside zone, as well as split zone can be utilized with great success out of this formation. I hope you guys enjoyed this 20 Personnel Formation Run Plays article. It’s a great offense that can be utilize at any age level with great success.