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The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football

This article will discuss 3 ways to run the power play in football. Many teams are utilizing zone blocking schemes that set up double teams at the point of attack, but when it’s all said and done, the power blocking concept is true ‘smash mouth football’.  The Power Play is a staple of any youth football offense. Power is a play that every youth football coach has in their playbook. 

The power adds a physical element to your offense. It’s pretty much a play were you line up and run the football down the defense’s throat. The power also sets up play action passing plays. Once the Power Play gets going defenses will load up the box in an effort to stop the play. 

Once the defense sells out against the power, you hit them with a play-action passing play for big yardage.  The great thing thing about the power concept is that you can run it out of balanced, unbalanced, and even spread formations.

3 Ways to Run the Power Play in Football | Power O

Yes, you can run the Power Concept out of the gun! Teams that spread the field sometimes have problems running the football inside. Since many spread offenses aren’t utilizing tight-ends and or fullbacks, you have to come up with creative ways to run the Power.  Here are 3 ways to run the Power Play in football. These Power Concepts are drawn up out pf the 20 personnel package/formation.

#1: Traditional Power- H Kick-out  (23 Power)                          

3 Ways to Run the Power Play in Football

Center:  Block backside A-gap defender.

Left Guard: Block defensive tackle. Inside-Over-Free blocking rules.

Left Tackle: Work onto inside linebacker (IB). If you are having issues blocking the defensive tackle you can double team him with the (LG).

Right Guard: Pull, lead through the hole. Look to block outside linebacker.

Right Tackle: Step play-side, look to block outside linebacker. Replace the guard (Inside-Over-Free).

1: Catch snap, turn and handoff to the (2). Carry out fake to the right. A good fake will hold the backside DE and the backside outside linebacker.

H: Inside leverage step, kick-out the defensive end (DE). The (H) can cheat his split in a little bit in order to give himself an easier blocking angle for the kick-out.

2: Take handoff, cut inside of the (H)’s kick-out block and get behind the (RG)’s lead block.

Z: Fake bubble screen.

X: Slant, look to block the middle safety.

Y: Fake quick screen. A good fake is critical. A good fake will hold defenders.

Coaching Points

  • The (H) can adjust his split inside to create an easier kick-out path for himself.
  • QB must carrier out fake. This will hold backside defenders. If the defense doesn’t respect the QB’s fake, have him pull the ball and run.
  • The center will always block backside A-gap defender when faced with double A-gap defenders.
  • This can easily be a Power-Bubble Screen RPO. QB would read the (OB) covering the (Z).
  • Aiming point for the kick-out player is the inside hip of the defender getting kicked out.

Related Content: 3 Play-action Passing Plays off of Power 

#2: Power Concept with the Z Kick-out (25 Power) (“Hammer” Tag)     

Power with the Guard Kicking out

Center: Block backside A-gap defender.

Left Guard: Block defensive tackle. Inside-Over-Free blocking rules.

Left Tackle: Work onto middle linebacker. If the (LG) is having problems blocking the (DT), you can have the (LT) and the (LG) double team the defensive tackle.

Right Guard: Pull, lead through the hole. Look to block the outside linebacker.

Right Tackle: Step play-side, look to block outside linebacker. Replace the guard (Inside-Over-Free).

1: Look at the (Z) to send him in motion. Begin cadence when the (Z) is between the (RT) and (RG). Catch the snap, handoff to the (2). Carry out the fake to the right. A great fake will freeze backside defenders.

H: Down block on defensive tackle. AKA  HAMMER!

2: Take handoff, cut inside the (Z)’s kick-out block. Get behind the (RG)’s lead block.

Z: Motion begins when the QB looks at him.  (Z)’s motions across and looks to kick-out the defensive end. Aiming point on the kick-out is the inside hip of the defensive end. Motion player cannot go or lean forward until the ball is snapped. Make sure the motion player runs under control and keeps his feet under him.

X: Slant. Look to block the middle safety.

Y: Fake quick screen. A good fake is critical!

Coaching Points

  • Motion player cannot go forward until the football is snapped. Also, this is half speed motion that is executed when the QB looks at the (Z). The cadence doesn’t start until the (Z) is between the (RT) and (RG). Timing will vary based on player age and speed. This is something that needs to be worked out during the install period.
  • The (Z) is kicking out the first defender that shows outside of the (H). The kick-out isn’t always going to be the defensive end, sometimes it will be an outside linebacker that slants outside, or is in an ‘overhang’ alignment.
  • You can make this into a Slant-Power RPO concept. QB will read the defender covering the (Z). If the defender runs with the (Z) when he goes in motion, you can throw the quick slant. If the (Z) doesn’t run with the (Z), hand the power.

#3: Power Concept with BS Guard Kick-out (24 Power)     

The Power Play in Football

Center: Block head up defender.

Left Guard: Pull, climb, kick-out defensive end (DE). Aiming point is the inside hip of the (DE). (LG) needs to gut the (DE) out. Do not pull flat!

Left Tackle: Step play-side, cutoff. Look to block outside linebacker (R).

Right Guard: Double team the (DT/N) with the center.

Right Tackle: Block the middle linebacker (M).

1: Catch snap, hand to the (2). Carry out fake to the left. A good fake will hold the backside defenders.

H: Come across (when the ball is snapped) and lead through the hole. Look to block the outside linebacker.

2: Take handoff, cut inside of the (LG)’s kick-out block. Get behind the (H) leading through the hole.

Z: Fake bubble screen.

X: Outside release, go route, run off. If the (CB) is playing off coverage, then have the (X) stalk block.

Y: Fake quick screen. A good fake is very important, it will draw eyes.

Game Footage Guard Kick-out, H Leading 

Coaching Points

  • If the defense isn’t respecting or running with (X) on the go route, you can throw him the ball (audible). We call it “G-90”.
  • Kick-out player must gut the defender out, aiming point is the inside hip of the defender.
  • If they don’t respect the QB on the fake you can have the QB keep the ball. Or you can run some sort of zone read to keep the defensive honest (if you have a mobile QB).


The Power Concept can be very effective out of the gun. Listen, just because you are in the shotgun doesn’t mean you can’t pound the football inside.  There are several different ways to run inside, however, these are my favorite 3 ways to run the power play in football.  If you have an athletic QB you can utilize him and run a QB power, which will give you an extra blocker at the point of attack. You can also implement some built in RPOs and zone reads (reading the end man on the line of scrimmage) when you have a mobile QB.

(See Also) Power I Formation Playbook (Free)

(See Also) Shotgun Wing T Playbook 

(See Also) QB ISO out of the Gun 

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