Youth Football Online

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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

Tight-end Out Passing Concept

Tight-end Out Passing Concept for Youth Football

The Tight-end Out Passing Concept is a great play-action play that puts the outside linebacker in conflict. Most of the time the outside linebacker will bite up for run, leaving the Tight-end wide open in the flat. The outside receiver will run off the cornerback. This concept works very well against almost any coverage. This is a play that hurt my defense a few times last season. If executed properly, this play is a nightmare to defend.  It’s easy to install and it works very well in youth football.

Tight-end Out Passing Concept for Youth Football

Center: Block head up nose guard.

RG: Inside-Over pass blocking.

RT: Inside-Over pass blocking.

LG: Inside-Over pass blocking.

LT: Inside-Over pass blocking.

TE: Backside TE secures backside of the QB.

TE: 5 yard out, continue running to the field.

1: Open right, fake to the FB, fake to the HB, plant and look to hit the TE in the flat.

FB: Fake dive right, secure the edge.

HB: Fake handoff to the left, secure the edge.

Related Content: Power I Formation Play Series

Coaching Tips 

  • Good fakes are needed. Running backs have to sell the fakes!!!
  • QB needs to get depth and not exaggerate the fake. QB needs to be quick, get some depth and hit the TE on the out.
  • Call this play on a run down and distance and watch it hit big.
  • TE needs to drive his route up the field for 5 yards, then break. It’s the QB’s job to get him the football quickly. He must continue his route to the field.
  • You need to run dive and/or ISO before you run this tight-end out passing concept. Once you establish the run, this play will hit big.
  • This is a timing concept that does need to be practiced. Once the QB gets the timing and throw down,this play can hit big.
  • Once you hit the defense with this pass it will slow down the run pursuit of the outside linebacker.

(See Also) I Formation Playbook
