Monster Blitz out of the 4-3 Under Defense
The Monster Blitz out of the 4-3 Under Defense is very easy to install and it works very well against off-tackle plays. This blitz utilizes a gap exchange by the blitz side defensive end (DE) and the Middle Linebacker (M). Gap exchange means that the DE and M are switching gap responsibility once the ball is snapped. This generates blocking confusion for the offensive line. The 4-3 Defense is a defense that is very diverse and it allows you to use the safeties in a variety of different ways.
Monster Blitz out of the 4-3 Under Defense | Youth Football
N: A-gaps (two gap nose guard)
DT: B-gap.
RE: Backside contain.
LE: Slant B-gap, dip and rip.
M: Creep up, blitz C-gap. Once the QB begins his cadence the (M) needs to start creeping up. You don’t want him to show where he is blitzing.
S: Blitz off of the edge, contain.
W: Read step, secure C-gap, then pursuit to the ball carrier. Pass, hook to curl.
SS: Read step, secure C-gap. Support on sweep. Pass, blitz side flat or take away ‘hot’ throw.
FS: Deep middle 3rd.
CB: Deep 3rd.
CB: Deep 3rd.
Coaching Points
- Play-side defensive end must ‘dip and rip’ through the offensive tackle when he is slanting to the B-gap. He can’t slant himself out of the play or get washed down.
- You can play either zone or man to man coverage behind this blitz. The two safeties give you several different coverage options.
- Against run heavy teams you can walk down the SS and have him play linebacker. This will give you a strong box (8 defenders).
- This blitz is best executed to the strength of the offense’s formation.
- This is a great blitz against off-tackle plays.
- The (M) must creep up to the line of scrimmage once the QB begins his cadence. He doesn’t show blitz pre-snap, but once the cadence begins he starts coming up. He can’t blitz from 4-5 yards off the line of scrimmage.
- The (M) must attack the B-gap and take on any lead blocks. Shock and shed the lead blocker.
(See Also) 4-3 Defense System for Youth Football