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The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football

Double Tight-end Split-back Formation Play Package

This Double Tight-end Split-back Formation Play Package is an excellent offense for youth football. This is an offense that can be executed successfully on pretty much any age level of youth football. This is an offense I have used in the past with great success. This package of plays will give you a balanced attack that allows you to attack every area of the field. This is an offensethat can be install very quickly and can serve as a great complement to your base offense.

This package includes: Power, Iso, Counter, Trap, Toss, Power Pass, and Counter Pass.

Double Tight-end Split-back Formation Play Package


The power play is executed to the wingback side. The play-side TE and tackle double team the defensive tackle.  The play-side guard can help double team the nose guard and then work onto the middle linebacker.  The play-side wing will step inside and kick-out the defensive end.  You can also have the running back kick-out the defensive end or you can even have the TE base him out and pull the guard through  the hole. The right half-back lead blocks through the hole.  All backside linemen will step play-side and look to cut off-defenders pursuing to the football.

Weak Iso

This play is for when the defense shifts to the wingback side. After you gut them with power a few times they will shift towards your wingback.  Once the defense shifts, you hit them away with ISO.  The play-side linemen have inside-over-free blocking rules. The play-side TE will base block the defensive end out.  The left half-back will lead through the hole.  All backside linemen will step play-side and look to cut off defenders pursuing to the football. You can run ISO to the wingback/ TE side as well.


The toss play is an excellent way to get your running backs the ball outside. You can have your half-backs cheat over a little bit so that they can get outside much quicker.  The wingback will seal the defensive end (make sure he takes good leverage steps). The right half-back will lead block, looking to take the cornerback. The play-side guard will pull and look to block the first defender outside the wingback’s seal block (most likely will be the middle or outside linebacker). You don’t have to pull the guard but it will give you an extra blocker outside. All backside linemen will step play-side and look to cut off defenders pursuing to the football.  The QB opens up opposite which will give the half-back more time to get outside. The QB must moves his feet, open his hips, and execute a toss right to the running back. Make sure he doesn’t toss the football around his hips. The QB needs to look where he is tossing the football and he must follow through on the toss.


This is a quick hitting play that attacks the interior of the defense. The backside guard is trapping the first defensive linemen outside the play-side guard. The play-side tackle is blocking the middle linebacker. The TE is securing his inside gap, then working onto the outside linebacker.  The right half-back is taking the handoff and looking to cut inside of the trap block. The trapping guard’s aiming point is the inside hip of the defensive tackle he is trapping.  The guard needs to understand that he needs to gut that DT out, so make sure his pull path isn’t too far into the backfield.  The center and play-side guard are double teaming the nose guard. The left half-back fakes to the right and the QB opens left, then hands to the right half-back. It’s important that the QB and the left-half back carry out their fakes!


This is a play that works off of trap. The play-side guard pulls and kicks out the defensive end.  The play-side tackle down blocks (gap-down-backer blocking rule) and the TE also down blocks (gap-down-backer blocking rule).  The wingback will invert for linebacker and the backside linemen will step play-side and cutoff defenders pursuing to the ball carrier.  The right half-back will fake trap to the left, the left half-back will execute a quick jab step left, then take the hanoff and cut inside of the guards kick-out block. It’s important that the left-half back doesn’t collide with the right half-back. As soon as the right half-back passes, the left half-back goes.  The QB opens left, faking to the right half-back, then turns and hands to the left half-back.  Make sure the QB doesn’t take any false steps to the left. The QB must stay even with the mid-line.

Power Pass

This is a play-action pass play off of the power play. All offensive linemen and the back side TE all pass block. The QB takes the snap, fakes power to the right, then drops back and throws to either the right half-back in the flat or to the tight-end running the corner route.  The QB’s read is the CB- if the CB sits, he throws to the TE. If the CB bails back to cover the TE, then the QB hits the right half-back in the flat. This is an easy pass to execute and it works well on all age levels of youth football.

Counter Pass

The counter pass is a play-action pass play off of the counter play.  All offensive linemen pass block. The half-backs run counter action in the backfield. The left-half-back blocks the right defensive end and the right half-back blocks the left defensive end. It’s critical that the running backs all execute their fakes.  The QB runs through the play like it is counter, then he drops back and looks to hit the right TE on the corner route or the left TE on the post pattern. Many times the cornerback will bite up on run and the TE will be wide open on the corner route.  Always have the QB look to hit the corner route first. The QB looks to the corner route then to the post. If the defense comes out with no safeties the QB should look to hit the left TE on the post pattern.

(See Also) Split-back Playbook

(See Also) FREE Play Series- Offense

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