Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

4-4 Defense- Inside Cross Blitz

4-4 Defense- Inside Cross Blitz

This inside cross blitz is an excellent way to attack the offense without giving up a big play. It’s a low risk, high reward type blitz play. It is easy to install and it will be difficult for the offense to pick up. The 4-4 is a great defense for youth football and for blitzing. The 4-4 defense will allow you to blitz any of the 4 linebackers. This defense will allow you to get after offenses with multiple blitzes and stunts.

This play has the two interior defensive tackles lined up over the guards. When the ball is snapped the DTs will slant outside to the B gaps, crossing the face of the guards, ripping through. The two inside linebackers will then blitz the A gaps. The defensive ends will force C gaps and the outside linebackers will be our contain players.

Coaching Points

  • Defensive tackles must rip through the guards to the B gaps. You want the DTs to engage with the guards, occupying them.
  • Defenders must rip through the blockers, not go around them.
  • Inside backers must blitz aggressively. There needs to be penetration.
  • Defenders must attack on ball movement. Don’t take an off-sides penalty.
  • Linebackers should be 3 yards behind the defensive tackles. You do not want them to give away which gap they are blitzing.

This blitz play will send two linebackers through the A gaps with the offense only having one blocker (the center). This play will create havoc all game long for the offense.  Also, when you blitz make sure your players know that they need to get there. There is no half effort blitzes! You live by the blitz, you die by the blitz. With that said, get after the offense smartly.

See Also:

4-4 Storm Blitz 

4-4 Cross Blitz 

4-4 Stack Defense 

Articles- 4-4 Defense
