The Wishbone Formation Offense

The wishbone formation offense is a traditional offense that has been around for a long time. This formation has a long history and is still used by many teams today. This offense is used by some teams at the high school level as well. The wishbone offense is a power running offense, which makes it popular on the youth football level. This is a diverse formation that you can execute several different run schemes out of.
The Wishbone Formation Offense
The wishbone offense consists of two tight-ends, one fullback, two half backs, and the quarterback under center. This is a power based offense, much like the I formation and double wing offense. It uses double teams at the point of attack. Having a three man backfield will allow your offensive linemen to execute double teams on defensive linemen.
The running backs will lead block and execute kick-out blocks. This is know as a power offense, but there are very good counter and traps out of this formation. Having the half backs go in different directions or crossing on counters plays will make the defense look, rather than just attack. Counter plays are great complements to the power plays and are very deceptive. Speed and deception is the key to success on offense. This offense offers both speed and deception.
Strength of the Wishbone Offense Formation
- Balanced formation, makes the defense defend both sides of the formation.
- Gets you multiple blockers at the point of attack- the Blast play is nasty!
- Get counter game- 3-backs will allow you a lot of deception / counter action.
- Play-action passing plays hit big!
- This formation will allow you to utilize any blocking scheme.
Another aspect that can make this offense successful is it is a balanced formation. Balanced formations make the defense defend the entire field, stretching them out horizontally. Line splits are 1 foot. But, you can execute this offense with any line splits. I usually use 2 foot splits. This will help create some natural running lanes. 2 foot splits will also spread the defense out horizontally.
The wishbone offense is a commonly used offense in youth football. If you want to take this power offense to an entire new level, you can throw an unbalanced formation at the defense and really pound it down their throat. Most youth football coaches have used or thought about using the wishbone at some point during their coaching career. This offense is easy to implement, and if blocked properly you can really pound the ball. I would also suggest mixing up your snap counts consistently. Make the defense have to watch the ball, rather react and time your snap.
Best Plays out of the Wishbone Formation
- Blast
- Counter
- Trap
- Toss
- Tight-end Quick Pop
- Waggle
- Triple option
Here are some other great Wishbone Formations that can be utilized as a change up. All of the plays you execute out of double tight-end can be executed out of the spread and unbalanced formation.
Spread Wishbone
Just by moving the Tight-ends out and making them Split-end makes the defense have to adjust. Having two receivers gives you several different passing route options and several different concepts that can be executed. You can run slants, fades, quick outs, hitch, or verticals. Having a receiver out wide also helps your outside run game. The Receiver can block the cornerback and you can also have the Split-end crack block on the contain player.
Unbalanced Wishbone Formation
Going unbalanced will create alignment conflict for the defense. It will force them to have to account for an extra gap. If they don’t shift you can gut them to the unbalanced side. If they over-shift, you can still run to the weak side and have two RBs lead block. Blast to the unbalanced side is a great play. It will almost always get you yardage. When you mix in these different formations it makes you multiple, while keeping things simple for your kids.
Wishbone Formation Plays
Blast Play
The Blast play is the best play out of the Wishbone. It gets you several blockers at the point of attack. Running it out of double Tight-ends will force the defense to defend both sides of the formation. There are several different ways you can block this. You can very well have the RG and RT double the play-side DT. If you’re facing a dominate N, you can have the C and the RG double the Nose Guard. You can also utilize down blocking and have the F kick-out the defensive end.
Counter Play
Having two tight-ends really makes the wishbone offense very powerful. Having double tight-ends will create major conflict for the defense. Tight-ends make this a powerful formation that has flexibility. You can have the TEs block down or double team a defensive tackle. They can also block down on those annoying c gap (wide DTs) defenders. You can have the TE block out on a wide defensive-end or even have the TEs work onto a linebacker. Let’s not forget that tight-ends can be a dangerous pass catching threat as well. There are plays that can utilize a pass catching tight-end. Plays like WAGGLE .
The wishbone offense is a running offense, which will allow you to set up nice play-action passing plays. The play-action passing game can be very explosive out of this formation, but only if you are running the football successfully. Consistently pounding the football will make the defense sell out to slow down the run, leaving them open for a play-action passing play.
Waggle Tips
- Pass blocking, secure inside gap-block any head up defender. LG pulls and blocks defensive end.
- QB (1): Fake power to the 4 back, 4 back blocks, looks for leakage through A gap. 3 back blocks left defensive end. If you do not want to pull the guard, that is fine. You can just have the 2 back block the right defensive end, instead of going into the flat. QB needs to get a nice deep drop back, has to be quick.
- All players need to carry out their fakes. The defense must think run. Keep an eye on the defense throughout the game and if you see they are selling out on run or blitzing crazy hit them with waggle.
(See Also) Wishbone Playbook for Youth Football PDF
Weakness of the Wishbone Formation Offense
- There aren’t many passing concepts that can be executed.
- This is a compressed formation- which means you will face loaded boxes- of 8 and sometime 9 players.
- Outside plays are difficult to execute- the contain players already have outside leverage, tough to reach block them.
Like any formations, there are strengths and weaknesses. The Wishbone Formation Offense is a great offense for youth football. It is easy to install and it can be utilized with great success on any age level of football.