Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football

Pistol Offense- Quarterback Counter Play

Pistol Offense Quarterback Counter Play

Pistol Offense Quarterback Counter Play

This quarterback counter is an excellent football play that utilizes a mobile QB. This play is ultra deceptive! This counter play is great for overaggressive defenses that are really flying to the football.

Pistol Offense Quarterback Counter Play Blocking Rules

Center (C): If there are double A gap defenders, the center must always block back-side A gap defender. If there is a defender head up , the center has to block the head up player.

Right Guard (RG): Block down, secure play-side A gap. Any head up defender guard must take them.

Right Tackle (RT): Get onto linebacker, as long as there is no gap or head up defenders.

Left Guard (LG): Pull, look to block first outside defender in the pull path. Keep head up, do not be indecisive, pick a player and block him.

Tight-end (TE): Block down on C gap defender.  If there is no C gap defender, the TE must get onto a LB or look to get onto a defender pursuing to the football.

Split-end (SE): Crack defensive end. Make sure the SE cheats his split down to create an easier crack block angle. Also, make sure the split-end does not clip the defender. He must take a good angle and wait until he see front jersey numbers.

Slot (S):  Full speed jet motion straight across the formation. Carry out fake.

Quarterback (1): Ride fake to fullback (2), pull the ball as the pulling guard passes.  Get right behind the pulling guard and cut off the lead block.  You do not have to have your QB get too crazy with the fake, just a slight ride and pull. This will help deter fumbles. Also, the ball should be snapped as the motion back is between the tackle and guard.

Fullback (2): Fake taking handoff, fill for pulling guard.  It is important that the (2) does not take the ball from the QB. The fullback must allow the QB to insert the ball into his belly. The (2) cannot take or come down on the ball.

Tailback (3):  Lead block for QB. Take first defender outside the (SE) crack block.

The name of the game on the youth football level is deception. This pistol offense quarterback counter play is just that.
