Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football

Coaching Beyond the X’s and O’s

Coaching Beyond the X’s and O’s

Honesty- Be honest with all youth football players, assistant coaches, and parents. I have a saying:  “real, recognizes real”. When you are honest and genuine your players will know it. The parents will also know it and it will ultimately lead to an overall positive football environment.

Loyalty- Be loyal to all your players, parents, and fellow coaches.  I tell my coaches every year that we must be loyal to each other. We must also be loyal to the players and loyal to the parents. We must always put the team first; always stick together as a team throughout both positive and negative occurrences.

Lead by Example- As coaches, it is our responsibility to model the kind of behavior we as coaches expect from our players. Lead by positive example. Coaches need to look the part, be professional, and always be humble throughout victory or defeat. Check out our Youth Football Movement to get kids involved in youth football.

Stay Positive- “If you do not have anything positive to say- keep your mouth closed”.  Youth football is not just about winning, it is about encouragement. As youth football coaches,  it is our job to encourage and be positive with all players and coaching colleagues.  This means working with and encouraging players that need it. Football is about building confidence in the children while developing their physical conditioning. Be positive and encourage every player, coach, and parent on the team. Take the time and work with those players that need the extra work. When things aren’t going your team’s way, true character will reveal itself.  Pride yourself on coaching your best when things are at their worst. Goals: every player gets better every day.

Organized- As a youth football coach you need to be organized. When practices are not organized and are slow moving they will not be productive. Have a practice plan for the day and executed it with enthusiasm. All coaches need to be on the same page. Disorganization looks really bad; the parents and players will notice it.

Youth Football Safety Matters- Be informed about the importance of proper hydration and nutrition. Regardless of age- the human body only runs as good as the food you put into it. Also, if your players are not hydrated they will dehydrate, overheat, get sick, cramp, and their overall body function will be weak. Inform your players, coaches and parents about the importance of hydration and nutrition. Hydration should occur-before, during, and after any physical activities. Most importantly look for kids that are hurt or getting banged up. Also, concussion prevention and discovery should be a top priority. The entire coaching staff must be educated and able to notice any kind of injury. If there is any doubt then sit the kid out. Here is a complete tackling guide for youth football.

When the children are at the practice or game field the coaches are ultimately responsible for the well being of the kids. 

The main objective of every coach should be to develop his players into fine young football players. It is about the implementation of safe and proper youth football drills. It is about teaching the players the importance of teamwork. Coaches need to encourage their players to communicate with each other. It is about making a team-first environment. Football is a competitive game; the goal is always play to win. Good coaches get their players to compete during all practices and games.  Condition those kids! Football is a physically demanding game; these kids need to be ready for four quarters of contact and cardiovascular exercise. Always have their well being first. Always develop and implement the positive portion of youth football. Play to win, but never try to win at the expense of the kids.
