Attack all Areas of the Field with the Gun T Jet Series

The Gun T Jet Series is great because it allows you to get your athletes the ball in space very quickly. It will also allow you to utilize a mobile quarterback. This series has plays that attack all areas of the field. When you have a series based attack you force the defense to respect all the skilled position players and it also forces them to defend the entire field. If the defense commits to stopping one play it will leave them open for a complement. This series is built around the Jet Sweep-all the plays work off of the Jet Sweep.
Gun T Jet Series Plays:
- Jet Sweep (SE side edge)
- Post-Wheel (Play-action)
- Q Belly (SE side off-tackle)
- Buck (TE side off-tackle)
- Reverse (TE side edge)
- QB Lead (SE side edge Multiple blockers)
- Counter (Misdirection off of QB Lead)
- Trap (Interior)
Attack all Areas of the Field with the Gun T Jet Series
Jet Sweep
Center: Step play-side cut off N. If he is facing double A-gap defenders he blocks backside A-gap defender.
Right Guard: Step play-side, cutoff linebacker pursuing to the ball carrier. He must always secure his inside gap first though (vs. double A-gap defenders).
Right Tackle: Step Play-side, cutoff LB running to the ball carrier. Always secure inside gap first.
Left guard: Step play-side, cutoff.
Right Tackle: Cut off, scoop past any inside gap defender.
Tight-end: Work to cutoff, if no linebackers in sight, climb to the safety.
Split-end: Crack block outside linebacker. Don’t hit a defenseless player, break down and block him (if the defender isn’t looking), “wall off”.
1: Catch Snap, hand to the (4) coming in motion. Carry out trap fake.
2: Lead block, look to tunnel the CB. Take him wherever he wants to go.
3: Hook defensive end. He cannot allow the DE to beat him past his outside shoulder. If you can’t seal the DE anymore compress the split-end’s split and crack him, then the (3) will loop for backer. The SE & (3) will just switch responsibilities.
4: Come in full speed jet motion on the first sound of the QB, take handoff and get outside- look to cut off of the (2) tunnel block.
Coaching Points
- Motion player cannot go or lean forward until the ball is snapped.
- Jet motion is full speed. Snap count and motion timing needs to be worked on to figure out what works for your team.
- This should be the first play that is installed.
- QB must carry out Trap fake and if you see they don’t respect it, call Q Trap.
Post-Wheel (Jet Sweep Play-action Complement)
Center: Pass block.
Right Guard:Inside-over-pass block.
Right Tackle: Inside-over-pass block.
Left Guard: Inside-over-pass block.
Left Tackle: Inside-over-pass block.
Tight-end: Pass block, hinge (protect backside).
Split-end: Post pattern.
1: Catch snap, fake jet sweep, 3 steps plant and throw. Look to hit wheel first.
2: Block defensive end, seal the edge.
3: Wheel route- wheel away from the safety.
4: Fake jet sweep, run swing route. A great fake is needed!
Coaching Points
- A great Jet Sweep fake is needed. If you run this on a run down and distance it will hit big!
- Inside-Over pass blocking scheme. Always secure inside gap first then any defender over if there is no defend in the inside gap.
- QB Progression: 1. Wheel (3), 2.Post (SE), 3.Swing (4).
QB Belly (Jet Sweep Complement for Wide DEs)
Center: Block head up nose guard. If there are double A-gap defenders he will block backside A-gap defender.
Right Guard: Fold, for middle linebacker. He will not fold if there he has a head up defender.
Right Tackle: Inside-Over-Free blocking rules.
Left Guard: Double team nose guard with center. If he has a defender in his inside gap or head up, he is take that defender.
Left Tackle: Base block the DT.
Tight-end: Inside-Over-Linebacker.
Split-end: Stalk block the CB. If you are seeing press man coverage just have the SE run off.
1: Catch the snap, lateral step as the jet motion passes (helps fake) then follow the 2 back throw the hole.
2: Lead block, look to block the outside linebacker. He must go before the motion player passes him.
3: Base block defensive end. Win inside leverage!
4: Full speed jet motion, carryout a great Jet Sweep fake.
Coaching Points
- This is a great play call for when the defense is selling out to defend Jet Sweep.
- You have an option to put in a true running back if you don’t want your QB to get beat up too much.
- An excellent Jet Sweep fake is needed.
- RG doesn’t fold inside if he is covered or has an inside A-gap defender.
Buck (backside motion side complement)
Center: Base block nose. Win play-side gap.
Right Guard: Pull, climb and kick-out the DE.
Right Tackle: Gap-Down-Backer.
Left Guard: Pull, lead through the hole, key the outside linebacker.
Left Tackle: Replace pulling guard.
Tight-end: Gap-Down-Backer.
Split-end: Stalk vs. off coverage, runoff vs. press coverage.
1: Catch snap, hand the (2), carryout fake. Make sure the (1) stay laterally and doesn’t step in the (2) point of attack path.
2: Take handoff (in front of QB) look to cut off of the LG’s lead block.
3: Block down, replace the LT.
4: Full speed jet motion, carryout Jet Sweep fake.
Coaching Points
- This is a great play that goes opposite of the motion. If the defense is overflowing to the motion side hit them with Buck.
- Pulling RG kick-out the edge defender. Aiming point is the inside hip.
- Pulling LG, skip pulls, staying square to the line of scrimmage and eyes the outside linebacker.
- A great Jet Sweep fake is needed.
Related Content: The Buck Sweep Play | Wing T Formation
Split-end Reverse (backside outside complement)
Center: Base block nose guard. If he is seeing double A-gaps he is blocking the backside A-gap defender.
Right Guard: Pull and log/hook the defensive end. Maintain outside leverage.
Right Tackle: Gap-Down-Backer.
Left Guard: Pull, lead block- look to block the CB.
Left Tackle: Inside-Over-Free. He must replace the pulling guard.
Tight-end: Inside-Over-Free.
1: Catch snap and hand to the (4) on the Jet Sweep- then lead block for the SE coming on the reverse.
2: Lead block like it is Jet Sweep.
3: Hook defensive end, block like it is Jet Sweep. If the 3 has an inside gap defender he must block down on hime.
4: Take Jet Sweep handoff, belly back into the backfield, hand to the SE coming on the reverse. The SE comes behind him.
SE: Turn and reverse back and take the handoff from the (4). He must come behind the (4). Run outside.
Coaching Points
- This a great play for when the defense is selling out to the motion side.
- If you have a good SE this is a must-add. If not, you can do a wingback reverse to the (3) instead.
QB Lead Sweep (if the defense isn’t accounting for motion)
Center: Base block the nose. Win play-side leverage.
Right Guard: Inside-Over-Free.
Right Tackle: Inside-Over-Free.
Left Guard: Inside-Over-Free.
Left Tackle: Inside-Over-Free.
NOTE: You can just have the kids block this QB Lead Sweep the same way they do Jet Sweep. The only difference is the ball carrier.
Tight-end: Step play-side cutoff.
Split-end: Crack block outside linebacker. Don’t hit a defenseless player, break down and block him (if the defender isn’t looking), “wall off”.
1: Catch snap, follow the (2)’s lead block. Get outside!
2: Lead block.
3: Hook defensive end. He cannot allow the DE to beat him past his outside shoulder. If you can’t seal the DE anymore compress the split-end’s split and crack him, then the (3) will loop for backer. The SE & (3) will just switch responsibilities.
4: Come in jet motion and block the cornerback.
Coaching Points
- All blocking rules apply just as they would on Jet Sweep. The only change is the QB is keeping the ball.
- Motion player cannot go or lean forward until the ball is snapped.
- If you see the defense isn’t adjusting or matching numbers to your motion side call this play all game long- because you will have the numbers advantage.
- This play is always on 2!
Counter (off of QB Lead)
Center: Base block the center, win play-side leverage.
Right Guard: Pull, kick-out the defensive end.
Right Tackle: Pull and lead through the hole. Look to block the outside linebacker.
Left Guard: Pull, kick-out the defensive end. Skip pull, square on the LOS and eyeing linebacker.
Left Tackle: Inside-Over-Free. Replace guard.
Tight-end: Inside-Over-Free. Replace tackle.
Split-end: Work to middle safety. Or you can have him just outside release and run off.
1: Catch snap, run to the left with some backfield depth, hand to the (3) on the counter. (Inside Handoff)
2: Replace block the defensive end- replace LT.
3: Widen the split two yards wider than usual. Once the QB snaps the ball open hips, turn and take an inside handoff from the (1).
4: Full speed jet motion, fake lead blocking like he does on QB Lead Sweep.
Coaching Points
- This is a great replacement play if your Split-end isn’t a good runner (replace SE reverse). You can easily turn this into a reverse and have the 4 run wide. Or you can just run both!
- This is a great counter for when the defense is spying your QB or overflowing to the motion.
- Teach your pulling guard that is supposed to kick-out that if the DE slants down or chases laterally, he can log him inside. Make sure the leading pulling guard (LG) notices if the RG logs, then he needs to continue his lead blocking path outside.
See Also: Shotgun Wing T Playbook
Center: Double team nose guard with the LG. If you are facing double A-gap defenders the C blocks backside A-gap.
Right Guard: Trapping first defender past the guard. If you are facing double A-gap defenders the RG is trapping the play-side A-gap defender.
Right Tackle: Inside-Over-Free. Replace trapping RG.
Left Guard: Double team nose guard. If you are facing double A-gap defenders the LG is to work onto the middle linebacker.
Left Tackle: work onto middle linebacker. If there are double A-gap defenders he bases the the DT.
Tight-end: Inside-Over-Free. Replace RT.
1: Catch snap, lateral hop (faking the jet hand, but don’t extend the ball out!), then hit inside, cutting off of the RG’s Kick-out.
2: Fake lead blocking.
3: Insert for linebacker.
4: Full speed jet motion, fake Jet Sweep. A great fake is need! Full speed fake.
Coaching Point
- Trapping guard’s aiming point is the inside hip of the defender he is kicking out. V-step climb and gut him out. Make sure he doesn’t belly his pull path flat or he won’t be able to root out the defender if he squeezes.
- QB doesn’t fake with the ball out! Ride step fake, without riding the ball in the (4)’s gut.
- This is a great complement to the Jet Sweep and QB Belly. It is a great interior play.