Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

Your Leaders MUST Have These Traits

Football team leaders

Who was the most impactful leader you have ever known? Was it your high school coach, a supervisor or a parent?

It is likely that the leader you are thinking of, taught you a lot about yourself. Here are the key traits your team leaders should possess.

  1. Vision. Must be able to see the bigger picture. Team first, and his own hudl highlights video second.
  2. Courage. Have the ability to take a well-calculated risk. With big risk, comes big reward.
  3. Know how to manage successes and failures. This is about having a level head, and not getting easily upset on the field. The team will look to their leaders in tough and prosperous times.
  4. Challenges himself to see things that coaches do not see. A team leader will be an extension of his coaching staff on the football field.
  5. Leaders should see beyond themselves. A great football leader is not a selfish player, but instead has a team first attitude. These are the players that take ownership of their leadership capabilities. They’re also able to self-reflect and think about self-improvement.
  6. Take Practice time seriously. Your team leaders should rarely be late to practice and should have excellent attendance. These kids should be enthusiastic about practicing and getting better- this enthusiasm should be a model for other kids.

The best football leaders inspire your team to do be great, they create more leaders, not more followers. What are your most important leadership skills? Tell us on our official Twitter – @youth_football.
