Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football

YFO All-Stars Selects QB/LB Clay Smith

Name: Clay Smith

Position: QB/ LB

State: GA

Favorite NFL Team: Dallas Cowboys

Meet Clay Smith, our newest YFO All-star selection. Clay plays QB and plays LB on defense.  During our interview it was clear that Clay loves to play QB. He talked about how you have to see the field and be leader. He talked about how he loves to throw and run the football (duel threat) from the QB position. After watching his highlight videos it is clear that he is a finisher. When he gets in the open field he finishes his runs. He is an excellent athlete that is very difficult to contain. He has excellent acceleration, agility, and vision. Clay runs hard and always keeps his legs pumping.

YFO All-Stars Selects QB/LB Clay Smith

Clay plays linebacker on defense. He does an excellent job of finding the football and making the tackle. If you watch his game film you will see him flying all around the field. As a linebacker, he plays downhill and does an excellent job of closing the distances and making the tackle. His hustle to the ball carrier is what stands out the most. When Clay isn’t carrying the football or making tackles, he is executing big blocks for his teammates. He loves blocking for his teammates and takes pride in executing big blocks. Clay plays hard every single play. Clay was also selected to play QB on the B2C All American 10u Team.

YFO: What do you like best about playing football?

Clay: The contact and the competition. I love the feeling of my team scoring and winning games.

YFO: What does it take to be a good QB?

Clay: You need to be able to memorize the plays, have good footwork, and you have to be patient. You have to be a leader for your team. 

YFO: What are your goals for this upcoming season?

Clay: To be better than last year. I’m going to go to some football camps, practice throwing, and run a lot.

YFO: Give us three things linebackers need to do well.

Clay: Linebackers need to find the ball, shed blockers, and make the tackle. 

YFO: Why should kids play football?

Clay: It’s fun, they will make friends, and they will learn new skills. It will also make kids not lazy.


YFO: Going to school, spending time with family, and playing football takes up a lot of time, how are you able to do all of this?

Clay: I manage my time. I will always put my school and family first.

YFO: How important is nutrition?

Clay: It’s very important. I drink a lot of water and I don’t eat a lot of junk food.

Clay is an outstanding kid! He’s the type of kid you love to coach and would take 20 more kids just like him. He is max effort all the time and has a great attitude. Clay stands out not only on game day but all week during practice whether it’s a game, scrimmage, or conditioning I can count on Clay to work hard. Although he may not be vocal all the time he’s a leader by example for sure! He’s certainly a high character guy with great work ethic. As far as field play, he’s a fierce competitor, he’s hard to tackle, strong, elusive, and has the speed to take it to the house.

On Defense he’s a sure tackle with a great nose for the football. He’s one of my favorite kids to coach, he listens well and wants to do things right. It’s odd to see kids his age with the kind of discipline he has. I’ve called him “Big Play Clay” since he was 6yrs old because he’s a big play waiting to happen any given moment.

-Coach Anthony, Clay’s coach.

During our interview Clay talked a lot about how important school is. As he said, you can’t play sports if you don’t have good grades.  Clay takes his school very seriously. Clay gets mostly A’s on all of his report cards. His favorite class is math. Here’s a fun fact, if Clay was able to have one superpower he would want super strength.

On the field, he’s all about football. Doesn’t want to goof around, he’s focused and ready. He’s naturally that way, I’m not that way , intent and focused. He retains information really well, at QB he’s doing a great job at it, he understands it.  

-Nate Smith, Clay’s father. 

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