How to Use Social Media the Right Way
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, twitter, Youtube.
Social media networks are always on & are a fixture of our daily lives. Your youth football athlete is probably using social media right now to connect with friends, family and teammates. These networks are often open for the world to see- so this bears the question- how do youth athletes create the right presence on social media?
Though we do not suggest having a social profile until 13 years old, we do note a trend where athletes are creating a presence on social media at earlier ages. These technology distractors can take time away from homework, family time and the rigors of being a youth football athlete. Social media can be the greatest time waster, or, can be used to showcase a youth athlete’s ability to work hard and be a positive force in his community.
Youth Athletes! Here’s how to use social media the right way:
1. Follow football coaches from all parts of the country, high school and college coaches. Ask them thought provoking questions via twitter.
2. Post stuff that is meaningful. If you have learned a new exercise that can valuable to your teammates, post it up. Share videos that highlight your training routine, and how you are getting better. Coaches love to see this. Motivate others within your network of friends and family.
3. Post images and video of your intense training sessions. This shows your network that you’re serious about getting better as a youth football athlete.
4. Retweet/share uplifting posts, avoid negativity. A retweet counts as a confirmation of a topic, so be careful of what you retweet. Do not perpetuate nonsense, share positive stories.
5. Show smarts. Post about a book you are reading. Talk about a strategy you used to slay a difficult test. Always be cognizant of the fact that you are a high standing student athlete! Save the slangs and poor grammar for when you are with your friends, not on social media platforms where coaches, teachers, and others can see. There are numerous instances where athletes have revealed themselves to have poor character, and it has hurt them with missed opportunities (including the loss of potential scholarships, etc.). Don’t be that guy.
6. Avoid posting when angry or upset. It’s a rule of thumb. You do not want to post something that you may later regret. Take a step back from the emotionality of the topic, and think before you post.
7. Pay particular attention to your network. Do not let scrubs into your social circle. Keep your football brothers close, but eliminate connection those that aren’t up to your standards. Stick to positive, goal orientated people.
What does your athlete’s social presence say about his character? Parents, it’s your duty to monitor your child’s activities online, and ensure they are presenting themselves in the best manner possible.