Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

How I Benefited From Playing Youth Football

How I Benefited From Playing Youth Football:

I played my youth football in the Pop Warner Youth Football League in Central NJ.  I have been involved in football my entire life.  Participating in football has helped mold me into who I am today. Football has taught me many traits that have allowed me to be successful in life.  I was lucky because I was coached by several great coaches that taught me a lot about football and about life.  These awesome coaches kept me interested in the game and it helped keep me busy and out of trouble.

How I Benefited From Playing Youth Football

  • Commitment.  Football requires so much commitment from both the players and parents. To be successful in football you have to be committed to it.
  • Teamwork. Football is like no other sport in the world. It takes all 11 players doing their job every single play in order to be successful.
  • Communication. It allowed me to interact with other kids and work together with coaches. Youth Sports will help develop social skills! I am still good friends with many people I played football with.
  • Kept me out of trouble. Football allowed me to stay in a structured and controlled environment. It allowed me to make friends with the “right crowd”. It kept me busy and did not give me any time to get in trouble. We all know when kids have nothing to do that is when bad things happen.
  • Competitiveness. Football has taught me to compete in everything I do. It has taught me to work hard towards winning and to do nothing to lose. In order to be successful in life you have to compete. The most successful people I know have two things in common. 1. They are hard workers 2. They love to compete. When you are a competitor you will do what needs to be done to win.
  • Friendships. I created countless friendships because of football. I created several strong friendships with teammates and coaches. I still maintain contact with many people I played youth and high school football with. I have also developed friendships with a lot of other coaches, players, and parents nationwide since Youth Football launched. The football community is filled with some of the best people on this planet. Playing football has allowed me to create friendships and work with people of different ethnic & religious backgrounds as well.
  • Clean Living. Football taught me the importance of proper nutrition and proper hydration.
  • Resilience. Youth football taught me how to deal with defeat. It has taught me how to bounce back and to keep working hard.  It has taught me how to handle adversity.

Youth football has provided me with several critical life skills, all of which have help me become successful.  BUT! Nothing would be possible without my parents. They kept me involved in sports and were always supportive. They pushed me to get better every day and expected nothing but a 100% effort and commitment. They would always make sure I was at practice every day and on time. They made several sacrifices with their lives to keep me and my brothers involved in sports.

My parents also did the little things which helped me prepare for football. They would always make sure I was treating and icing any bumps and bruises. They would make sure I eat properly and stayed hydrated.  My parents did a good of keeping me interested in football and gave me every resource needed to be successful.  Football has given me a career and friendships that will last a life time.  I just want to say I am very lucky because I have a supportive family and friend base. My uncles, aunts, brothers, and cousins have all played a major role in creating the person that I am today.  I pride myself in taking what football has taught me and teaching it to every single kid I coach. Here at YFO we have a saying- “Football Is Training for life”.

Kids that have difficult or complicated households need football more than anyone. They will be in a structured, safe environment around good role models. It is our responsibilities as coaches to provide a safe & positive experience for our players. Coaches are the # 1 reason kids either stick with football, or quit football.  That’s a fact..

See what these kids say about youth football!

I belief every child should reap the benefits that come with playing youth football.  Here at Youth Football we are for the promotion and instruction of youth footballClick here to join our Movement!

How did you benefit from playing football? Tell us in the comments and join our Facebook discussion. 
