Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

The Promotion & Instruction of Youth Football
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Youth Football Online

Wack Tag for the Inside Zone

We try to limit the amount of running concepts our offensive line has to learn how to block. We pride ourselves on only running 2 schemes, the effect of this is that the line is able to spend their time mastering the skills that allow them to effectively execute their assignments instead of repping multiple schemes. We then use different tags to combat the ways defenses will try to stop our base runs. We have found the Wack Tag to be one of our most effective tags to help our Inside Zone run effectively.

Wack Tag for the Inside Zone

In our system of tags all W works will have the same base set of rules. When the backside tackle hears a W word (like Wack or Wall which we will talk about in later articles) he knows that he is now responsible for the backside C Gap Player. This means that he will be blocking the C Gap Player and keeping him away from the point of attack. This does not need to be a massive block but the Tackle can not let the defender beat him inside.

Related Content: Wall Tag for the Inside Zone 

On the Wack Tag the Backside Tackle and the H will be changing responsibilities. This means that while the backside tackle blocks the C Gap Player the H will be blocking the B Gap Linebacker. We do make the distinction that if the B Gap Player is a down defender the backside Guard will be blocking him and the H will lead up on the linebacker. The effect is essentially an Iso play, but we allow our line to block it like Inside Zone so we don’t have to install a new blocking scheme.

Related Content: Using the Bluff Tag off of the Inside Zone 

We believe that any tag we install needs to have a reason. We look at our offensive play sheet like a tool box, each play and each tag represent a specific tool that allows us to attack the defense in a different way. To us the Wack Tag is a tag that gives us two major benefits. First it allows us to put a blocker on the CGP. This is especially useful if the defender is giving our Quarterback trouble in whether to make a give or a pull read. The old option motto of if they are hard to read they are easy to block means our Tackle should be able to turn this player out.

The second, and more important reason, we run the Wack tag is because it gives us a downhill running play with a lead blocker. We pride ourselves on our ability to physically jam the ball down forward when we want to. This helps us to combat, at least mentally, the negative stereotypes of the spread offense. We tell our running back that this play will normally hit on the backside of the play, this gives us the downhill run that our offense requires to make a statement run and get the first down on a 3rd and short.

(See Also) Best Offenses for Youth Football 
