Youth Football Online

Fixing Friday Night Tykes #ThisIsNOTFootball

The Texas Youth Football Association (TYFA) league, its coaches and Esquire Network openly display the poorest representation of youth football known to man via the show Friday Night Tykes. We question who at Esquire network has the right or qualification to promote hashtag #ThisIsFootball because Friday Night Tykes is certainly not football. You may have a friend or neighbor that wants to involve their kid in football but is unsure, please do not let them watch this show. The hardcore, real benefits that come from playing football are not coming through and it is utterly frustrating to watch.

Here’s what’s wrong with TYFA and how this league can correct these issues:

These coaches do not represent the majority of youth football coaches across the country. Friday Night Tykes- Is Not Football! Coaches/parents/athletes- How important is it to you to have a winning season, are you willing to sacrifice player safety to win? Comments welcome.

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