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Want to Build Character Right Now? Teach this.

As the youth football season kicks off, right away we aim to highlight the key objectives for the year. Whether you’re a coach or a parent, character building is the important goal of this youth football season. Community service is one of the top activities that children will benefit from, besides of course the game of football itself. Character builder? Oh yes! To selflessly assist the elderly, the poor or the less fortunate will continue to build those bricks of character in young athletes.

If you pause to think– volunteerism is mightily common in youth football. Coaches volunteer their time on a daily basis and put forth great effort on and off the field.  Team moms, snack bar operators, field maintenance dads and others offer their time in various ways, with no pay. Remind your kids that you are volunteering for their benefit, this sort of community service is a great example for kids.

Today we present top reasons of why your kids should volunteer-

Some points presented based on information from Clary and Snyder (1999). 

It is essential to remember that you, as a parent or coach, set the example. Tell us what you think about teaching your kids volunteerism in the comments below, or at our Facebook page.

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