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Teaching the Rip Move for Block Destruction

Teaching the Rip Move for Block Destruction

The swim move is the most commonly taught technique for beating blocks in youth football.  As for us, we do not swim. We will be teaching the rip move for block destruction. Block destruction is one of the main ingredients to a strong defense.  I feel the rip move is the strongest move for block destruction. We pride ourselves on ripping through blockers with violent hands. Do not run around blocks, dip and rip through blocks.

Rip Move in Football

Five main areas of youth football defense:

  1. Block Destruction (engage-rip through).
  2. Gap control/pursuit.
  3. Tackling.
  4. Goal line defense.
  5. Avoiding giving up the “BIG Play”.

The Swim Move

I do believe the swim move is a great pass rushing move. With that said,  there is one key reason why we do not even bother teaching the swim move to our players:

Teaching the Rip Move for Block Destruction:

Teaching the Rip Move for Block Destruction

Quick Tips:

Teaching the rip move for block destruction is the way to go!

Good Luck!

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